all postcodes in PL15 / LAUNCESTON

find any address or company within the PL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL15 7AA 1 50.636179 -4.360773
PL15 7AB 12 50.636154 -4.361139
PL15 7AD 6 50.635568 -4.361647
PL15 7AE 3 50.635459 -4.362999
PL15 7AF 1 50.628432 -4.381228
PL15 7AG 1 50.636071 -4.36122
PL15 7AJ 0 50.62873 -4.406993
PL15 7AL 1 50.635191 -4.362915
PL15 7AP 0 50.635307 -4.362087
PL15 7AR 2 50.635883 -4.362526
PL15 7AS 6 50.635499 -4.363709
PL15 7JR 0 50.632852 -4.364735
PL15 7AT 0 50.632994 -4.36575
PL15 7AU 1 50.631985 -4.366205
PL15 7AW 1 50.635796 -4.361475
PL15 7AZ 1 50.635911 -4.361565
PL15 7BA 1 50.635205 -4.363991
PL15 7BB 1 50.627392 -4.379761
PL15 7BH 0 50.635609 -4.363615
PL15 7BJ 0 50.631856 -4.365491